Generate an Auth Token or JWT

  1. Enter your 48-byte or 64-byte hexadecimal secret key in the Encryption Key field below.
  2. Specify a duration for the Auth Token or JWT to be valid from the current time.
  3. Selecting an Output Format value of Full will return a full-text page, showing the how long the generated token is valid for. Selecting a Format value of API will return only the token value as a plain text response.
  4. Click the Generate Token button
Encryption Key
Token Type       
Output Format       

Check a generated Auth Token or JWT

  1. Enter the previously-generated Auth Token or JWT in the Token field below
  2. Enter the Encryption Key you used to generate the Auth Token or JWT in the Encryption Key field below.
  3. Click the Check Token button
  4. On the next page, you will see details about whether the Auth Token is valid or has expired etc.
Encryption Key

Generating auth tokens using Akamai's EdgeAuth SDKs

Using a generated Enhanced Debug Auth Token

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